This study explores the extent to which game design features impact children’s engagement with digital education games (DEGs). Research has highlighted that the topic of digital game-based learning (DGBL) is becoming increasingly complex, with benefits such as the acquisition of 21st century skills as central to its implementation. However, in this field of literature a void is presented around experiences of gaming platforms and how engagement can be heightened. To investigate this, an empirical, qualitative study was undertaken, utilising mixed methods and a sample of 6 children aged 10-12.
The findings of this study generally supported existing literature. However, there were two emerging themes; - the mode of questioning posed by the game, and the extent to which the DEG supported customisation and character building (characterisation) through the use of the in-game avatar and reward mechanisms. – My research aims to assess the effect that both themes had on overall student engagement with the game through consideration of the synergy between the disciplines of teaching and game-design. These arguments stressed recommendations that if tweaks were made to the way a child is both questioned and rewarded, their engagement would be prolonged, possibly heightening the long-term benefits of DEGs.
Child-led participation, Learning, 10-12 years old, Digital game-based learning, Engagement, Digital education games
How to Cite
Akram, S., (2021) “To what extent do game design factors impact children’s engagement on digital education games?”, Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research 7(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/fields.813