Botanical illustration has been a key feature throughout history, developing from scientific aid to one of the most universally recognised decorative motifs. Its transition into surface pattern design is most recognisable in the nineteenth century with the emergence of William Morris’s wallpapers, and it has formed an ever-changing influence on modern-day design. This article discusses the humble beginnings of botanical illustration, starting out in the cave paintings of prehistoric humans. It then tracks the changing uses and meaning through history, reaching the modern day, where it will discuss botanical illustration’s impact on key figures in the fashion industry. The article will also include discussion of the popularity of flowers and research conducted into the emotional impact of depicted florals – touching on the biophilia hypothesis – serving to highlight the continuing importance to humans of florals in any form.
fashion, design, William Morris, florals, surface pattern, Botanical illustration
How to Cite
Morgan, B., (2018) “How has Botanical Illustration influenced Surface Pattern Design?”, Fields: journal of Huddersfield student research 4(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/fields.2018.04